Information for Visa Applications from South Africa
(087 550 5282 / 082 733 5236)

"Coronavirus (COVID-19)

"Coronavirus (COVID-19)

"The National Cabinet agreed today on a consistent national approach to manage the flow of international passengers into Australian airports. The number of incoming passengers will be restricted to ease pressure on state and territory quarantine facilities. If you’re overseas and wish to return home, we encourage you to plan your travel but be prepared for possible delays.

There will be caps on the numbers of passengers coming into Australian airports from overseas.

These measures will be temporary and will be reviewed.
The Government will seek to provide airlines with at least 48 hours’ notice to minimise disruptions.
It’s up to the airlines, not the Government, to decide who it sells tickets to.
This could affect your flight into Australia.
If you’re scheduled to fly home to Australia in the coming days and weeks, confirm your itinerary and onward travel plans with your airline or travel agent.
When you arrive back in Australia, you may have to contribute to the cost of quarantine. We expect more states and territories will introduce charges. Contact your state or territory government health department for the latest information on their specific arrangements.

We know this will be stressful for some Australians who have been wanting to come home for some time. We encourage you to:

be patient
ensure you have a safe place to stay
follow the advice of local authorities and
minimise your risk of exposure to COVID-19.
Our network of embassies and consular posts will provide you with up-to-date advice on local conditions and, where possible, on available flights to Australia.

If you require urgent consular assistance you can contact the nearest embassy or high commission or call the Consular Emergency Centre in Australia on +61 2 6261 3305.

Note it’s mandatory to undertake 14 days' quarantine at designated facilities in your port of arrival in Australia. You may also have to undergo testing for COVID-19.

All overseas travel from Australia continues to be banned, with few exceptions."