Information for Visa Applications from South Africa
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Customer enquiry for UK visas? That will now cost you R91

Customer enquiry for UK visas? That will now cost you R91

All customer enquiries for UK visas will be handled by a new commercial partner, Sitel UK. 

Sitel UK will charge people who are applying for a visa to visit the UK or people who are simply making enquiries £5.48 (R91) for every email they send.  

Travellers will need to pay using a credit or debit card for contacting the office by email. The charge includes the first email enquiry travellers send and any follow-up emails to and from the contact centre relating to the same enquiry.

The company will also change opening hours and phone numbers as well as reduce the number of languages offered to eight (including English). 
It says the move will “help the government reduce costs and ensure those who benefit directly from the UK immigration system make an appropriate contribution".